Inside MarketLife: Why Applications Get Rejected

Curious about why your market application didn’t make the cut? This blog explains the most common reasons for rejection and offers tips to boost your chances in future applications.

At MarketLife, we’re proud to organise a variety of markets, including Perth Makers Market, Perth Upmarket, and our MarketLife events. We know how much it means for stallholders to secure a spot at these events, but with the high volume of applications we receive, not everyone can be accommodated. To help you better understand our selection process, we’ve outlined some of the most common reasons why an application might be rejected.

1. Product Fit

One of the key things we look at is how well your products align with the theme and ethos of our markets. Each market is unique and caters to a specific audience. For example, Perth Upmarket focuses on high-end, designer goods, while Perth Makers Market highlights handmade, locally crafted items. If your products don’t quite match the market’s focus, your application may not be successful.

2. Quality & Presentation

We’re committed to maintaining a high standard at all our markets, so the quality of your products and how they are presented in your application are crucial. Professional, clear photos, detailed descriptions, and a polished overall presentation can make a significant difference. If these elements are lacking, your application might not make it through.

3. Uniqueness

Our goal is to offer a diverse range of products to our visitors. If we already have several stallholders offering similar items, we might need to turn down additional applications to avoid repetition. Categories like jewellery, candles, and food are particularly competitive. To improve your chances, we encourage you to highlight what makes your products unique and stand out from the crowd.

4. Past Performance

For returning stallholders, your past performance at our events is also taken into account. This includes your punctuality, adherence to market rules, customer feedback, and overall professionalism. A positive track record can boost your chances, while negative experiences may result in rejection.

5. Market Capacity

Unfortunately, each market has a limited number of spaces, and we can’t accept every applicant. High demand and limited capacity mean that even qualified applicants might not be able to participate simply due to space constraints. 

We encourage you to keep applying, and below, we’ve listed some tips on how to improve your application for future events.

Tips for a Successful Application

  • Photos: Invest in high-quality photography that showcases your products beautifully. There’s no maximum limit to the number of photos you can upload—the more, the better. Including a variety of product images gives us a comprehensive view of what you offer. A photo of your stall layout can also be very beneficial. If you haven’t attended a market yet, we understand you might not have this, but we highly recommend taking the time to photograph your setup when you do attend your first market. This helps us visualise your presentation and plan the market layout more effectively.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Provide clear and thorough descriptions of your products and business. It’s essential to detail your involvement in the design or making process, as this helps us understand the authenticity and craftsmanship behind your items. If you offer a wide range of products, it’s a good idea to specify the percentage of each type you’ll be showcasing (e.g., 70% ceramics, 30% jewellery). This information gives us a better idea of your booth’s layout and ensures a well-balanced market for our visitors.
  • Highlight Uniqueness: Emphasise what sets your products apart from others. Highlighting distinctive features, innovative designs, or special ingredients can help your application stand out.
  • Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone and presentation throughout your application.
  • Food Vendors: When applying, please include the size of your trailer and the side from which you serve. Additionally, providing a detailed list of your food offerings and their price range can help set you apart from competitors. This information allows us to better understand your setup and the variety you bring to the market, making it easier for us to accommodate your needs and enhance the overall market experience.

We hope this insight helps you with future applications. Our aim is to create vibrant, successful markets that benefit both stallholders and visitors. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to possibly working with you in the future.