Inside MarketLife: A Vendor’s Guide to Essential Documentation for Food and Beverage Stallholders

Navigating the necessary paperwork can be daunting, but our streamlined guide ensures you’re fully prepared to showcase your delicious offerings at our markets.

Welcome to our ultimate guide on the essential documentation required for food and beverage vendors at our events. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer to our markets, this guide will help you navigate the necessary paperwork, ensuring a smooth and compliant experience.

General Documentation for All Events

No matter the event or location, every food and beverage stallholder must provide the following documents:

  • Public Liability Insurance (PLI): Proof of current Public Liability Insurance with a minimum coverage of $10 million.
  • Food Business Registration: A copy of your Food Business Registration from your local council.

These are the basic requirements for participating in any of our markets.

Note for Alcohol Vendors: You are not required to obtain an Occasional Liquor Licence for our events, thanks to our classification as a farmers market, which covers vendors like our honey producers.

Specific Requirements by Council

City of Perth

For events held within the City of Perth, such as Perth Upmarket, Markets at the Quay, and Perth Makers Market Twilight Series:

  • High-Risk Food Vendors (cooking on-site): Must obtain a Temporary Food Vendor Permit, valid for one year and needs to be renewed annually.
  • Low-Risk Pre-packaged Food and Beverage Vendors: You need to complete and submit a City of Perth Food Service Notification Form for each event you attend within the City.

Required Documents:

  • Proof of Public Liability Insurance with $10 million coverage.
  • Food Business Registration from your local council.
  • For Pre-packaged Vendors: City of Perth Notification Form.
  • For High-Risk Vendors: Temporary Food Vendor Permit.

City of Melville

For events like the Heathcote Perth Makers Market and Jacaranda Festival:

  • No additional permits are required as we obtain them on your behalf. You only need to provide the required documents listed below.

Required Documents:

  • Proof of Public Liability Insurance with $10 million coverage.
  • Food Business Registration from your local council.

City of Belmont

Similar to the City of Melville, no additional council permits are required.

  • No additional permits are required as we obtain them on your behalf. You only need to provide the required documents listed below.

Required Documents:

  • Proof of Public Liability Insurance with $20 million coverage (we will not accept anything lower).
  • Food Business Registration from your local council.

Town of East Fremantle

For the George Street Festival held in the Town of East Fremantle:

  • All food and beverage vendors must obtain a Town of East Fremantle Temporary Food Stall Permit.

Required Documents:

  • Proof of Public Liability Insurance with $10 million coverage.
  • Food Business Registration from your local council.
  • Town of East Fremantle Temporary Food Stall Permit.

Additional Requirements for High-Risk Food Vendors:

  • Floor Plan and Photos: You must submit a floor plan and/or photos of your food stall layout as part of your event stall permit application.
  • Foodsafe Certificate: Each food handler who deals with unpackaged, potentially hazardous food that is ready to eat is encouraged to complete the Foodsafe online course.

Important Notes for All Events

Approximately two months before an event, we will notify you via email about the specific documents needed based on the council’s requirements and the documents we currently have on file. There's no need to worry about obtaining permits before being accepted into an event, as most permits incur a fee. We aim to streamline the process for you, so please wait for our email before applying for any permits.

We hope this guide helps you prepare for our events. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy trading, and we look forward to seeing you at our markets!