Inside MarketLife: How to Become a Stallholder at MarketLife Events

We always love welcoming new friends as stallholders at our MarketLife events! Whether you’re a seasoned vendor or just starting out, we offer a fantastic opportunity for you to showcase your products to a diverse audience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to become a stallholder at one of our events.

1. Explore Our Events

Start by checking out our MarketLife website for all the information regarding upcoming event dates, stall fees, and locations. This is your go-to resource for planning your participation and ensuring you’re well-prepared for our vibrant markets.

    2. Set Up Your Stallholder Profile

    To begin the application process, you’ll need to create a profile for your business in our MarketLife stallholder portal. This profile helps us learn more about your business and the products you offer. For detailed step by step instructions on setting up your profile and applying for events, please click here

      3. Applying for Events

      Once your profile is complete, you can apply for upcoming events. Make sure to submit your application before the deadline. Each event has a specific cut-off date and notification date for applications, so be sure to keep an eye on these dates to secure your spot.

      Missed the Application Deadline?

      If you’re interested in applying for an event but missed the application deadline, don’t worry! Simply send us a message with your preferred stall type (after completing your profile), and we can place you on the waitlist. More positions often become available as we get closer to the event date, so there’s still a chance to join us.

      4. Acceptance Process

      After the application deadline, we carefully review all submissions. Our commitment to diversity and variety means that we don’t always accept the same stalls at each event. We consider factors such as the total number of applicants and the quantity of applications in your category to ensure a unique and exciting market experience.

      Once the review process is complete, you’ll receive an email on the notification date to let you know if your application has been accepted or denied.

      If you have any further questions or need assistance with the application process, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you every step of the way and are excited to potentially have you join our MarketLife community!

      Helpful Resources

      For more tips and insights on becoming a successful stallholder, check out our helpful blogs:

      We can’t wait to see the creativity and passion you’ll bring to our events. Good luck with your application, and we hope to welcome you as a stallholder soon!