Why Didn't I Get My Preferred Stall? Understanding the Stall Allocation Process

One of the most frequent questions we get from stallholders is: “Why wasn’t I offered the stall I selected during my application?” We know how important it is for vendors to have their preferred stall, so we're here to shed some light on how we make our stall allocations.

The Application Process: A Quick Overview

When you apply for a stall at our market, you can indicate your preferred stall type. However, there’s a key part of the form that might influence where you're placed: the option that says “other stall types are acceptable.” This box is automatically ticked when you begin your application, and it's important to understand what this means for your chances of securing your desired spot.

    What Does the "Other Stall Types" Box Mean?

    By leaving this box ticked, you let us know that you're open to being placed in a different stall type if your first choice isn't available. If the stall type you prefer fills up but we believe your products would add great value to our market, we’ll offer you another available stall type so you can still participate.

      What Happens If You Untick the Box?

      If you untick the box, you're letting us know that you only want the specific stall type you selected. However, if that stall is already full, we will have to decline your application, as you're not open to other options. This is something to keep in mind if you're set on a particular type of stall.

      How to Maximise Your Application

      To increase your chances of securing a stall, here are a few tips to consider before submitting your application:

      • Review Your Flexibility: Think carefully about whether you're open to other stall options. Leaving the "other stall types" box ticked increases your chances of receiving an offer, even if it's not your top choice.
      • Understand the Offer Process: Keep in mind that stall offers aren't final until payment is made. If you’re offered a stall that doesn’t meet your expectations, you can decline the offer. Just send us an email, and we’ll offer your spot to someone on the waitlist.

      Final Thoughts

      Our main goal is to accommodate as many vendors as possible while maintaining a diverse and vibrant market. By understanding the application process and the impact of the “other stall types are acceptable” option, you can make an informed decision that increases your chances of participating in our market.

      We appreciate your dedication to our market community and your enthusiasm for being a part of it. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re always here to help!