Understanding Bump In & Bump Out for Stallholders

Welcome to the market scene! As a new stallholder, you might come across terms like "bump in" and "bump out" when preparing for your first event. Understanding these processes is crucial for ensuring a smooth and successful experience at the market. In this post, we'll explain what bump in and bump out entail and how you can prepare for them.

What is Bump In?

Bump in refers to the setup process before the market officially opens to the public. This involves not only setting up your stall but also the event staff preparing the market space. Here’s what happens during bump in:

  • Event Setup: Our staff sets up equipment for the public, including tables and chairs for the food court area, beanbags, garden games, and other activities to enhance the market experience.
  • Stallholder Setup: During this time, stallholders like you set up their booths. Given the large scale of our events, we stagger bump in times to ensure everyone has ample time and space to get ready.

    Preparing for Bump In

    To make the bump-in process efficient, it’s important to know how long it will take you to set up your stall. Here are a few tips to prepare:

    1. Estimate Your Setup Time: On your profile, indicate how long it typically takes for you to set up. This helps us assign the appropriate time slot for you to ensure everything is ready before the market opens.
    2. Arrive on Time: Arriving at your designated bump-in time is crucial to avoid delays. It ensures a smooth flow of setup activities and helps everyone stay on schedule.
    3. Bring Necessary Equipment: Make sure you have all the equipment and materials you need to set up your stall, including any displays, signage, and products.

      What is Bump Out?

      Bump out is the process of packing down your stall and exiting the market area after the event concludes. Here’s what to expect during bump out:

      • Stallholder Pack Down: You’ll dismantle your stall and pack up your equipment and products only once the market has finished. Leave your area tidy to help maintain a pleasant environment for everyone involved.
      • Event Pack Down: Our staff will begin taking down public equipment like tables, chairs, and activities.

      Bump Out Procedure

      During bump out, it’s important to adhere to our guidelines to ensure a smooth and safe process for everyone:

      1. Timing: Although bump out does not have a specific schedule, stallholders are not permitted to begin packing down before the market officially ends. This ensures that the market maintains a vibrant atmosphere for all visitors until closing time.
      2. Vehicle Access: Vehicles will not be allowed into the market area until at least 10-20 minutes after the market ends. This policy ensures that no one retrieves their car too early, maintaining safety and minimising disruption.
      3. Staff Assistance: We understand that market days can be long and tiring. Our staff is present to facilitate a smooth and safe bump out for all stallholders. Please respect and follow their instructions to help everyone pack up efficiently.

      Bump in and bump out are essential parts of participating in a market. By understanding these processes and preparing accordingly, you’ll contribute to a successful and enjoyable event for yourself and your fellow stallholders. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our team. We’re here to help you make the most of your market experience!