By MarketLife for City of Belmont at Belmont Skate Park

Belmont Young Makers Market

Showcase your work and be part of Youth Week! If you’re aged 12 to 25 and create art, fashion, food,
or something unique, this is your chance to sell your goods at our Young Makers Market on Saturday 12 April.

Held during Youth Week, this year’s theme, ‘Our Threads, This Place, Your Moment,’ celebrates young people’s connections and creativity.

If you would like to be considered as a stallholder at the Young Makers Market. Follow the steps below:

Applications close 7 March 2025
Applications notified 14 March 2025

Step 1 – Create a stall holder account
Create an account on the MarketLife Stallholder Portal – If it is your first time click on the “New User Registration”. For a visual step by step guide to create your profile click here.
Step 2 - Fill in the form and press ‘submit’
Step 3 - Open your email and find the verification email. Check your junk email folder it may go there. Follow the instructions to activate your account. You can now log into your account.
Step 4 - Create your Stallholder profile - This is information about the things you want to sell, be sure to upload pictures (you need at least 3 photos).
Step 5 - Apply to be a stallholder at the Young Makers Market. Find this by scrolling down to the upcoming Markets section and click on ‘Apply now’ button next to the Young Makers Market.

- If you are under 18, you will need your parents’ permission
- If you are under 16 you need someone over 18 with you on the day (parent/ guardian).
- Stallholders are selected by MarketLife with the City of Belmont. Priority will be given to young people from the City of Belmont. Please be aware if you apply, you are not automatically guaranteed a stall space.
- If you are selected, MarketLife will send you more information about what you need to bring on the day and where you can set up. A stall space will be $20
If you want to sell food, please contact us directly as food stalls have different health and safety regulations.
- A marquee, table and chairs will be provided on the day.

If you need help applying please call MarketLife on 0432 897 516 or email

Event Dates and Times

Upcoming Markets Market Date Market Time Application
Closing Date
City of Belmont Youth Week Market Day! (aimed at stallholders aged 12-26) 12-Apr-2025 3:00PM-6:00PM Closed 14-Mar-2025

Stallholder Information

Applicants should read the Terms and Conditions before applying for events. Note that Terms and Conditions change for different Market Series as required by the event host. Please click here to view the Terms and Conditions for Belmont Young Makers Market.

Accepted Business Categories: Non-Profit, Food/Beverage, Services, Designed, Handmade

Become A Stallholder

We use the MarketLife stallholder management system to receive all applications - you can find closing dates for applications for each event here.

If you have previously created a profile in this system you can simply log in to your existing profile to apply. If you have not used this system before you will need to create a profile for your business in order to apply.

If you would like our How To Guide on how to use the MarketLife system please click the button below.

Stall Pricing

Stall Type Size Price
Young Makers Belmont Gazebo Half - Gazebo Provided 3m x 1.5m $20.00
Belmont Food Large 3m x 6m $80.00

Want to be a stallholder at a future event?
Click on the button below to see information for stallholders