By MarketLife on behalf of Development WA at Elizabeth Quay

Markets at the Quay

Markets by the Quay are a series of markets running at Elizabeth Quay. The stalls will be placed around Elizabeth Quay encouraging customers to walk around the entirety of the Quay to take in the sights and shop from the stallholders.

Stallholders are selected by MarketLife as guided by Elizabeth Quay and Development WA management and any event theming.

Limited stalls selling food for on site consumption will be accepted. Stalls cannot be in conflict with existing businesses on site.

Management of these events is split between the management of Elizabeth Quay and MarketLife with MarketLife managing all stallholders and Elizabeth Quay/Development WA managing the marketing and promotion of the events.

Event Dates and Times

Upcoming Markets Market Date Market Time Application
Closing Date
Markets @ The Quay - Spring Edition 26-Oct-2024 3:00PM-8:00PM Closed Sent
Markets @ The Quay - Christmas Edition 23-Nov-2024 3:00PM-8:00PM Closed Sent
Markets @ The Quay - Lunar New Year 01-Feb-2025 3:00PM-8:00PM 06-Dec-2024 13-Dec-2024
Markets @ The Quay - Carnivale Edition 01-Mar-2025 3:00PM-8:00PM 31-Jan-2025 07-Feb-2025
Markets @ The Quay - Easter Edition 05-Apr-2025 3:00PM-8:00PM 28-Feb-2025 07-Mar-2025

Stallholder Information

Applicants should read the Terms and Conditions before applying for events. Note that Terms and Conditions change for different Market Series as required by the event host. Please click here to view the Terms and Conditions for Markets at the Quay.

Accepted Business Categories: Handmade, Designed, Imported, Services, Food/Beverage, Non-Profit, Vintage Goods

Become A Stallholder

We use the MarketLife stallholder management system to receive all applications - you can find closing dates for applications for each event here.

If you have previously created a profile in this system you can simply log in to your existing profile to apply. If you have not used this system before you will need to create a profile for your business in order to apply.

If you would like our How To Guide on how to use the MarketLife system please click the button below.

Stall Pricing

Stall Type Size Price
Elizabeth Quay Twilight 3m x 3m $90.00
Elizabeth Quay Twilight 3m x 3m $90.00
Elizabeth Quay Twilight 3m x 3m $90.00
Elizabeth Quay Twilight 3m x 3m $90.00
Elizabeth Quay Twilight 3m x 3m $90.00
Elizabeth Quay Food 3m x 6m $120.00
Elizabeth Quay Food 3m x 6m $120.00
Elizabeth Quay Food 3m x 6m $120.00
Elizabeth Quay Food 3m x 6m $120.00
Elizabeth Quay Food 3m x 6m $120.00

Want to be a stallholder at a future event?
Click on the button below to see information for stallholders